A typical day at Camp Givah is filled with a variety of activities and experiences, and it is our goal to allow each camper to participate in each and every one. Each camper should bring his or her own backpack with his or her own belongings. Camper Property: Each edah (age group) has a dedicated storage area for campers' backpacks and a dedicated refrigerator for campers' lunches. Please label all items you send to camp! Footwear: Campers should wear comfortable, supportive, shoes that allow them to participate in a variety of activities. We do require sneakers and socks for sports and nature hikes. Sunscreen: Campers are asked to arrive at camp with sunscreen already applied. They will also have opportunities during the camp day to re-apply sunscreen. Staff members are available to assist younger campers with sunscreen. *In keeping with a safe environment, we encourage all campers to wear well-fitted, appropriate clothes, shoes and swim wear. Camp is a very active environment. No cutoffs shorts are allowed in the pool. Swimsuits should be secure, and, if shirts are worn during swimming, they should be dry fit.* Extra clothes: Campers are expected to be fully toilet-trained before being enrolled at camp. Gan campers who are prone to occasional accidents should bring an extra set of clothes to camp and a 'wet bag' to carry wet or soiled clothing home each day. LUNCH & SNACK:
Parents should provide both lunch and a morning snack for each camper. We provide fresh fruit, vegetables, or other snacks to campers in the afternoon. Friday is popsicle day at Oneg! Food prepared at home must be meat-free, and packaged foods must have a hechsher (kosher certification). Campers are not allowed to share food. Each group has a dedicated refrigerator in which to store lunch and snacks. DAILY PACKING LIST: