Givah Campers in grades 2 and up will get the opportunity over the summer to spend an overnight at Camp Givah! Many Givah Campers say that overnights are one of their favorite parts about camp and enjoy all of the special activities they get to do during overnights!
Campers who are participating in an overnight at Camp Givah should bring all of the items on the Daily Packing List below. In addition, please send each overnight camper with two lunches and two snacks. The second lunch and snack will be stored in the refrigerator for the following day.
Campers in Gan and K-1 will get the opportunity to go on an “undernight” during the summer. Which will include the same activities as an overnight, but the campers will not get to sleep at camp. Gan & 1-2 parents: please pack an extra bathing suit and towel for the evening. An afternoon snack and a dairy dinner will be served. Parents of these campers (along with campers in grades 2-5 who are not joining for the sleepover) will join us for a bonfire at 7:00 pm and will take their children home immediately after.